Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is ….. " A purposeful conversation between two people, that inspires them to step out of their comfort zones and take the initial steps towards doing and being what they want."

Is Coaching the same as Counselling?

This is something completely different from counselling. The Life Coaching process examines what is going on in a person's life right now, and unpacks the obstacles or challenges presented.  Then a course of action is formulated to help achieve things truly desired in manageable steps. It’s about empowerment through identification of personal reality and supporting with the accountability required.

What if I can’t put my struggle into words?

Life Coaching is all about asking good questions through trust based conversation that focuses on skills that aid in finding the answers that are true to the heart.  We clear space to make sense out of what we have done, seen or have not done. We explore how to embrace the personal life experiences that make you, “YOU” and actually provide the crucial foundational strengthening for your future.

Do I have to prepare myself for my first appointment?

Where ever you ARE.…. There YOU are ! We all long for validation along our journey. We hope to connect profoundly with and “identify our own heart & soul.”  It can be heartening to have someone accept you “right THERE, where you are at,” and encourage you to move forward to enhance a better you. Just show up as you are and together we will take it for there.

What if I can’t make it to the location of The Studio?

V-See, Facetime, Messenger are a few of the platforms available to connect face-to-face with clients. Where there is a will there is a way!

A new question?

Here’s an answer.

Next question please?

Chat a bit.


If you don’t see your answer here, email your question and I’ll shoot you off the answer.

Please ask fearlessly as there may be another wondering about the same thing.

Know if you ask an interesting question it may be shared here to help others as well.